Ladies' Rules

Ladies' Rules



1. The name of The Section shall be The Ladies Section of Eaglescliffe Golf Club.

2. The Ladies Section shall be Governed by the Competition Rules of Eaglescliffe Golf Club (Ladies/General)
3. The Officers of the Section shall be the Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, and Treasurer, who must all be playing members of the Club. A Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. The same person may not hold more than one of the above offices.
4. The management of the Section shall be vested in a Committee consisting of:
(a) The Officers of the Section.
(b) Three playing members of the Section.
(c) The Retiring Captain, who shall be a member of the Committee for one year, and therefore, shall not be eligible for Office or Committee for a further year.
5. The Committee may fill any vacancy on the committee occurring during the year. Any member so appointed will complete the term of office remaining. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member for a specific purpose for a finite period. In the event of insufficient nominations for Committee at the Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall appoint members for two years.
6. The three elected members shall serve on the Committee for two years, but elections shall be arranged so that two shall retire one year and one the next. A retiring member shall not be eligible for re-election for one year. The Handicap Secretary and Competition Secretary are elected at the AGM. The Competition Secretary will be a member of committee.
7. The Annual General Meeting shall be held during February on a date to be fixed by the Committee. Not less than 28 days notice of such meeting shall be fixed to the Section's notice board and sent to members by email. Fifteen playing members present shall form a quorum. The Captain shall take the chair at the Annual and General Meetings, or in her absence the Vice-Captain and in the absence of both, the members present shall elect a chairman. The Chairman shall have a casting vote only at all meetings.
8. Nominations for Officers and Committee duly proposed and seconded must be in the hands of the Secretary seven days before the A.G.M. No person may propose or second more than two nominees. Voting to be by ballot. A valid return must record no more than one vote per nominee with the votes cast to equal the nomination vacancies.
9. The Secretary must call any General Meeting required by:
(a) The Committee
(b) A written request to the Secretary signed by ten playing members of the Section and stating the reason for the request.
This meeting to be held within 14 days of receipt of requisition. Due notice of the meeting must be fixed to the Section's notice board and sent by email to members. Fifteen playing members shall form a quorum.
10. Non-playing, Life Style, Country, Academy members and Juniors are not entitled to:
(a) Become an Officer of the Section
(b) Serve on Committee
(c ) Vote at any meeting
11. The Committee shall meet once per month throughout the year. Extra committee meetings may be called by:
(a) The Captain.
(b) The Secretary.
(c) Upon request of any three members of the Committee stating the nature of the business to be transacted.
Five members shall form a quorum. The Captain or her nominee shall take the chair and shall have a casting vote only.
12. The Secretary shall be responsible to the Committee for the general management of the Section. She shall conduct the correspondence and have custody of all documents belonging to the Section. The Treasurer shall submit for approval all Accounts to the Committee and to the A.G.M.
13. A member shall have been a playing member of the Club for not less than five years before being eligible to be an Officer of the section; and not less than two years before serving on the Committee.
14. The Committee shall have the power from time to time to make, alter and repeal Rules regulating the holding and playing of competitions and events, but the conditions under which major trophies are played may be altered only by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
15. All competitions shall be played according to the Rules of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and England Golf.
16. The fees charged by the Section for competitions shall be reviewed at the A.G.M. each year. Majors: £5 from 2025.
17. No rule of the Section shall be repealed or amended, and no new rule made, unless by majority vote at a General Meeting. Written notice of any new rule or amendment must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of a General Meeting together with signatures of proposer and seconder. Copies of any proposed new rule or amendment shall be posted by the Secretary on the Section's notice board and sent by email to members at least 14 days before the meeting. A resolution dealing with any matter relating to the Ladies' Section, other than a modification to the rules, can be proposed by any voting member at a general meeting.

Rules & Conditions of Play
Section 1 Conditions
Section 2 Competitions
Section 3 Match Play
Section 4 Handicaps
Section 5 Priority
Section 6 Etiquette of the Game
Section 7 Local Rules
Section 8 Lady and Mixed Trophies
Section 9 General

The competition rules are displayed within the Ladies locker room.

The Rules of Golf, as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the Local Rules of the club, shall be strictly observed on all occasions.


1.1 Players shall always have regard to the etiquette of the game and shall be suitably attired both on the course and in the clubhouse.

1.2 Any player arriving late within 5 minutes of her tee time will be allowed to take part in the competition with a 2-stroke penalty. A player being later than 5 minutes will be disqualified. An absent competitor in a 4 Ball Better Ball competition may join her partner between holes, but not during play of a hole.

1.3 Please honour your commitment unless the competition is cancelled or you agree not to play by mutual consent. A member having entered a competition and subsequently finding herself unable to compete, must ensure that her name is deleted from the BRS Timesheet. A member failing to do so is liable to disciplinary action by the Committee.

1.4 The Professional is in charge of play at all times.

1.5 It was agreed at a committee meeting in 2018 that: 'Golf Carts' (ride on motorised vehicles) will only be permitted in competitions for competitors with medical certificates or for competitors that would otherwise be unable to participate due to physical limitations as a result of their age or disability.' Anyone playing in a competition with a 'buggy driver' is expected to walk the course.


2.1 Competitions shall be held at such times and under such conditions as the Committee shall decide.

2.2 Each competition will be played according to the appropriate rules as detailed within Section 8.4

2.3 Competitors shall play in threes unless the competition form requires otherwise.

2.4 The CONGU World Handicapping System (WHS) shall apply. A member new to golf, will need to submit scorecards in order to be allocated a WHS Handicap Index (this can be any combination of cards covering 54 holes (i.e. 3 number 18 hole cards, 6 number 9 holes cards or 2 9 hole cards and 2 18 hole cards etc). At this stage, she will be eligible to play within the competition field.

2.5 Junior girls may enter competitions on Tuesdays and Fridays - entry fee £1.00 (or as per detail on Competition Guidance). Sweep money is not paid to juniors under the age of 16. To enter major competitions junior girls must have a handicap index of 18.5 or less.

2.6 Girls over the age of 16 or having a WHS handicap index of 18.5 or less are entitled to play in all Ladies Major competitions. Girls over the age of 16 with a handicap index of 18.5 or less are entitled to play in the club mixed competitions (Greer & Nattrass Cups and Mixed Foursomes Knock-out).

Note :- When a Junior reaches the age of 18, she shall be eligible to compete in all Ladies club competitions (regardless of Handicap Index).

2.7 All competition cards, including no-returns, must be duly checked, signed by both player and marker and submitted, immediately after play. Failure to do so may result in disqualification after handicap revision and suspension from Club.

2.8 Life Style Members may not play in weekend competitions.
Country members are not eligible to play in any club competition.
5-day members are allowed to play in midweek competitions without restrictions, Social Golf at the weekend (subject to paying green fees) but cannot enter Club Knockout Competitions.
6-day members may play in competitions through the week without restrictions and on Sundays, except for Club Knockout competitions.
For a Lady to win competitions she must have a total of at least 4 qualifying rounds (18 holes) in her WHS record in the preceding 12 months. Exception: any Lady who cannot complete 18 holes for reasons of age or disability, must have completed 4 qualifying rounds of 9 holes in the preceding 12 months. All ladies may enter competitions. Exceptions: Ladies returning to golf after injury, etc., will be looked at individually.

2.9 If bad weather causes early termination of a competition, it will be cancelled and re-scheduled (wherever possible).

2.10 Except where stated, in the event of a tie in any competition, other than match play, the winner shall be determined on the score:-
a) over the last 9 holes. Failing that,
b) over the last 6 holes. Failing that,
c) over the last 3 holes. Failing that,
d) the last hole.

2.11 Entry to Competitions :-
2.11.1 On the day of the competition, the competitor will commence play at the time booked, unless permission has been granted by the Committee or Professional to transfer to another time.
2.11.2 Prior to starting her round, she must also sign-in to the competition using the PSI in the concourse or on a smartphone.
2.11.3 Any member who commences to play in a club competition, whether it be 18 or 36 holes is expected to complete it in its entirety.
2.11.4 At the conclusion of the competition, she must enter her score into the PSI in the concourse or on a smartphone, and leave her duly completed card in the cabinet underneath the PSI terminal. (Which is when it is considered to be returned). Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

2.12 Members are not allowed to play the course or enter any competition if their subscription is overdue.

2.13 Scorecards must be marked by an experienced golfer who has a WHS handicap.

2.14 Full members under the age of 21 on January 1st of the current year are eligible to play in Junior Competitions. (NB: This will include some ‘Intermediate’ category members.)

2.15 When play is suspended by the Committee (e.g. course flooding), it will be indicated by three consecutive notes on a siren, repeated. R&A Rule 5.7b applies for the procedure when play is suspended. When play is suspended by the Committee because of a potentially dangerous situation (e.g. lightning), it will indicated by one long note on a siren and play shall be discontinued immediately. Play will resume by order of the Committee. This will be two short notes of a siren, repeated. (see R&A Rule5.7c and 5,7d).

2.16 If the conditions of the course become unsafe for play, it may be closed by any member of the Club’s Management Team, the Competitions Officer, the Competitions Committee Administrator, or the Professional.

2.17 If the course is closed on the day scheduled for a qualifying competition the competition will be re-arranged on another date acceptable to the Ladies' Committee and/or the Ladies' Competition Secretary provided that:
• there were ladies signed up to play on the original occasion.
• a suitable date can be found in the club calendar.
If the competition was a draw then the original draw will stand with the exception of those ladies who are unable to play on the re-scheduled date. The draw will be re-opened and anyone wishing to play on the revised date will be drawn to fill the gaps or form new pairings.


3.1 Competitions in Knock-Out Match play events shall reach a decision within the period stipulated for each round. Failure to do so may incur disqualification of all players involved.

3.2 It is the responsibility of all competitors to agree and fix a date for their match or replay.

3.3 In match play competitions that finish all square at the end of the stipulated holes, play shall continue in the same sequence until a decision is reached. If there is a course closure part way through the game, the players may agree a method of deciding the result; however, if there is no agreement, the match will be replayed over a further 18 holes.


4.1 The Committee / Handicap Secretary has the power to reduce a member’s Handicap Index at any time during the year.

4.2 The maximum handicap for each competition shall be shown on the rules for each specific competition.

4.3 No player without an official WHS Handicap Index may compete in any Club competition.

4.4 New members with a previous handicap will be allotted a Handicap Index as detailed in the CONGU World Handicapping System (WHS).

4.5 When a member takes out a holding membership, her handicap will become ‘resigned’ on the England Golf WHS platform. It can be ‘un-resigned’ by the Committee when her playing membership is renewed.


5.1 The Captain, President and Professional have priority on the course at all times. Members will please observe this priority.

5.2 Players taking part in official Club Competitions/Matches have priority on the course over those not so engaged.
Exceptions :- All club knock-out matches.


5.4 Any match playing a whole round is entitled to pass a match playing a shorter round, starting at the eleventh tee.

5.5 On a Tuesday, two Balls only will be permitted to play from 09:30 to 10:00.

5.6 The first tee is the only official start point. However, players who decide to commence play at the eleventh tee may only do so before players on the tenth hole have reached the fairway.

5.7 Players leaving the 18th green, having started on the 11th tee, are not entitled to alternate within the queue of players waiting to tee off on the 1st tee, unless it has been arranged by the Committee as part of the competition format.

5.8 Ladies

Tuesday First tee reserved for ladies between 10:00 and 12.00 [NB: The Club Manager \ Ladies Competition Committees may release tee slots before 12:00 if they are not being used by the Ladies.]

Friday First tee priority for ladies between 10:00 and 12.00 [NB: The Club Manager \ Ladies Competition Committee may release tee slots before 12:00 if they are not being used by the Ladies.]

The exceptions to the above are the Palmer Prize, the Riddell Final and the Wilson Final. For each of these finals playing times will be allocated as per the rules of the particular competition. The times will be between 10 and 11am or 5.30 and 6pm on the Tuesday shown for the Palmer and Riddell on the fixture list. For the Wilson (which is a 36 hole competition) tee off times will be around 9am and 1pm on that Tuesday.
All ladies are encouraged to play in these time slots. However, if this is not possible, ladies may enter the competition of the day at any time on that day.
Saturdays no Lady shall play before 14:00 hrs unless she is a Full Playing Lady Member with a handicap index of 30 or less and is included on the BRS start sheet.

5.9 Starting Times
On-Line Competition Booking (Tuesday, Friday & Saturdays)
Competition times may be booked 15 days ahead from 8pm for both Tuesdays and Fridays. For our Saturday Competitions online booking is typically open at 9.05pm the preceding Saturday.
• Anyone in a partnership or team may book in the whole pair or team.
• Draws will be posted on the noticeboard approximately 2-3 weeks in advance
If you only intend to play 9 or 10 holes, before entering your name on the BRS booking system check that your partner is aware of this.


6.1 Nobody should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.

6.2 No player should play until the players in front are out of range.

6.3 In the interests of all, players should play without delay. If a match or group fail to keep its place on the course and loses a clear hole on the players in front, they should signal to the players following them to pass immediately and should not continue their play until those players have passed and are out of range.

6.4 Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by her.

6.5 In the General Area, a player should ensure that any turf cut or displaced is replaced at once and pressed down and that any damage to the putting green made by the ball or the player is carefully repaired.

6.6 Players should ensure that when dropping the flag stick, no damage is done to the putting green and that neither they, nor their caddies, damage the hole by standing close to the hole or in handling the flag stick. The flag stick should be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green

6.7 When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green, filling in their Score card on the next tee after they have driven off if it is clear to do so.

6.8 Players are encouraged to adopt the ‘Ready Golf’ guidance to maintain the pace of play.


7.1 Out of Bounds (R&A Rule 18.2)
Beyond any of the fences or hedges forming the course boundaries. Where there is a fence within a hedge, the fence is the boundary.
In or over the River Tees.
Beyond the line of the white posts on the right of the 5th hole.
Beyond the white posts to the rear of the 8th green.
To the left of the footpath from 10th tee to fairway.
Beyond the white posts on the right-hand side and those to the rear of the 12th green.
Beyond the white posts on the right-hand side of the 13th hole.
Beyond the white posts to the rear of the 14th green.
Note :- These posts extend behind the 15th and 4th tees to the 5th hole.

The practice putting green, Clubhouse, Car Park and all artificially surfaced roads and paths in the surrounding area.
Note :- The fence to the rear of the 5th green is a boundary fence. The fence to the rear of the 12th green is an integral part of the course. The ball must be played as it lies or declared unplayable
(R&A Rule 19). In addition to the relief obtainable under this rule, the player may play from the nearest designated dropping zone under penalty of one stroke. When taking relief in a dropping zone, the player must drop the ball in and have it come to rest in the dropping zone.

7.2 Abnormal Ground Conditions
A deep rut caused by a tractor or cart is Ground Under Repair. If a ball lies in such a rut, relief is obtainable under R&A Rule 16.1

7.3 Dropping Zones
If a ball, lying at the rear of the 5th or 12th Green is deemed unplayable, as well as relief under R&A Rule 19.2, the player may, under penalty of 1 stroke, opt to use the nearest Drop Zone. When playing the 17th Hole, if a ball is in or it is virtually certain to be in the Penalty Area that runs alongside the 18th Tee, as well as relief under R&A Rule 17.1d, the player may, under penalty of 1 stroke, opt to take relief in the Drop Zone in front of the pond. When taking this option, the ball must land in and remain in the Drop Zone.

7.4 Fixed Sprinkler Heads.
All fixed sprinkler heads are immovable obstructions and if the ball is in the General Area, the player may take relief under R&A Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is :-
On the line of play, and is:
Within two club-lengths of the putting green, and:
Within two club-lengths of the ball.
Exception – There is no relief under this local rule if the player chooses a line that is clearly unreasonable.

7.5 Practice
Practice is permitted on the day of a stroke play competition or between rounds on the designated practice areas situated to the left of the 10th hole and also adjacent to Yarm Road.
During normal play, any green in these areas is a “Wrong Green” (R&A Rule 13.1f ).

8.1 General Notes:
a) The dates of all Club competitions are on the Club’s fixture list which is available via the Eaglescliffe Golf Club website. [https://www.eaglescliffe.gplf] and on the Ladies Noticeboard.
b) Unless otherwise stated below, Red tees will be used for competitions during the main season.
c) Unless otherwise stated below, booking to play in a competition is made by the player, via BRS, 15 days in advance of the competition.
e) Unless otherwise stated below, individual (singles) competitions will be in groups of three (or two).
f) Each competition will have entry eligibility criteria based on (a) membership category and (b) handicap status.
g) Handicap allowances for various formats of play will be those recommended under the WHS Rules of Handicapping.

8.2 Rules Governing Major Trophies- Ladies Section Competition Rules:
Wilson Cup, Palmer Prize, Riddell Cup, Welsh Cup, Cardno Foursomes Cups, Ladies' Championship Salver, Whitehead Bowl, Silver Trophy, Bronze Trophy, Roseberry Bowl
1. All draws are seeded (unless otherwise stated).
2. No late entries will be accepted after finalised draw. Late entries can play within allocated time slots but may not enter the competition.
3. Entrance fees (as per guidance) must be paid when entering name on entry list, in advance or prior to play (See Competition Guidance \ Draw sheets for guidance as to timing of payments).
4. There is a handicap index limit of 30 for all trophies, including qualifying rounds except for Bronze Trophy 18.5-36 Roseberry Bowl (27-45) and Whitehead Bowl (18.5-36)
5. In match play i.e. Welsh and Cardno Cups, players have equal responsibility to fix a playing date. If an opponent is not on the tee within 15 minutes of the time agreed, the match may be claimed. Failure to play by final date is disqualification for all players. All competitors in Cardno Cup must have a Handicap Index of 30 or less on the day the draw is made.
6. Junior girls are only eligible to enter major trophies if they have a handicap index of 18.5 or less.
7. Only members who have nominated 'EAGLESCLIFFE' as their 'HOME CLUB' may enter major trophies.
8. Ladies' singles competitions may not be played in a four-ball.
9. If a Lady plays in the Gents' competition slots on a Saturday as well as the following Tuesday, the score card from the Saturday only will be accepted for the competition.
10. All competitions tee off from the Red Markers.
11. Sign-in is required on the PSi or the Howdidido App before play for all competitions.
12. Scores must be entered on the Psi or the HowdidIdo App on completion of play and cards returned in the box under the Psi

13. The card should be marked by another lady member. If this is not possible, in exceptional circumstances (no more than twice a year), the card may be marked by a gentleman member.
14. All stroke, stableford and par competitions played off 95% playing handicap, count for handicap purposes and cards must be returned even if the round is not completed.
15. Cancellation of any competition must be due to course closure or committee recommendation.
16. In situations where a player or indeed players drop out due to injury or illness, it is expected that those on tee times in the vicinity regroup so no individual is left without a game. Please use your common sense and remember no singles competition can be played as a fourball. Please have the flexibility to accommodate such ladies in these exceptional circumstances.
8.3 Rules Governing Draws Winter 10-hole Team Competitions
1. Draws will be made with names on sign-up list. However, if the total number of players required is different from the total signed up the Competition Secretary may use her discretion to attempt to find extra players to complete the teams for the competition.

8.4 Ladies Major Trophies
Two qualifiers (best nett) plus 2 reserves for each qualifying round. Qualifying rounds are played on fixed dates with a minimum entry of 6 (Minimum entry requirements applies to midweek qualifying rounds only). Qualifiers or reserves compete in the final, which is played over 36 holes. The final will be played in 2 balls, unless an odd number, in which case there will be a 3 ball (s), in the order of qualifying. In the event of a tie in the final, it will be decided over the last 18, 9, 6, 3 or 1 hole. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance. Max Handicap index of 30.
An 18 hole qualifying round is played for the Ladies Championship. The best 8 gross scores qualify for the Championship. Championship is open to any full 7-day member. The 8 players play knockout scratch match play for the quarter finals (to be arranged at their convenience). The semi-final and final are played on the same day (see fixture list). These are also scratch match play. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance.
The only competition where caddies are permitted is the Ladies Championship Final. The use of caddies of must be agreed by mutual consent between the finalists.
WHITEHEAD BOWL (18.5)- 36 inc Handicap Index)
The best 8 gross scores (18.5)- 36 Handicap Index) qualify for the Whitehead Bowl. The 8 Qualifiers for the Whitehead Bowl play the final on the date stated on the fixtures list. The winner is the best gross score. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance.
Par (or bogey) Competition. Seeded draw for playing partners. 12 Entries constitute a field. This will be played in 2 balls, unless an odd number, in which case there will be a 3 ball (s).. In the event of a tie it will be decided over the last 9, 6, 3, or 1 hole. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance. Entrance Fee is paid when signing up for the competition (sign up into Draw). Max Handicap index of 30.
Twelve best nett scores in qualifying round play a stroke play competition on a fixed day. Substitutes are allowed. This will be played in 2 balls, in order of qualification, unless an odd number, in which case there will be a 3 ball (s). This will be determined by the Competition Secretary. In the event of a tie it will be decided over the last 9, 6, 3, or 1 hole. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance. Max Handicap index of 30.
Singles match play knockout off handicap. Approximately 4 weeks allowed for each round. Final to be played by end of September. In the event of a tie, sudden death. Failure to play by deadline will result in disqualification of both players concerned. Entrance fees as per Competition Guidance. Fees paid upon Entrance.
Foursomes match play knockout off handicap. Players can only enter if their Handicap Index is 30 or less on the day the draw is made. Approximately 4 weeks allowed for each round. Final to be played by end of September. In the event of a tie, sudden death. Failure to play by deadline will result in disqualification of all players concerned. Entrance fees as per Competition Guidance. Fees paid upon Entrance.

SILVER TROPHY (Handicap Index up to and inc 18.4)) BRONZE TROPHY (Handicap Index 18.5- 36)
Played on specified dates (See Fixtures). Singles stroke play competition. Winner has best aggregate of 4 out of a possible 6 scores. In the event of a tie the best card of each player is taken. If this fails to separate the players it will be decided over the last 9, 6, 3, or 1 hole of this card. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance.

Stableford Competition for ladies with Handicap Index of 27 - 45. Winner has best aggregate of 4 out of a possible 6 scores. In the event of a tie the best card of each player is taken. If this fails to separate the players it will be decided over the last 9, 6, 3, or 1 hole of this card. Entrance fees \ Sweep as per Competition Guidance.
Single 18-hole non-qualifying Stableford competition open to all Lady Past Captains by invitation of the present Lady Captain.

8.5 Mixed Trophies

8.5.1 Greer Cups

18-hole stroke play mixed Foursome competition.
Entry eligibility:
Gentlemen Members of the club under Rule 2.9, Lady members under Rule 2.7.
Members with a maximum Course Handicap of 54.
Maximum Course Handicap allowance is 28 for Gents and 40 for Ladies, throughout.
Strokes received will be ½ of combined Course Handicaps for the medal round and ½ of the difference in combined Course Handicaps in the knockout rounds.
Gentlemen play from White Tees and drive the first tee.
The first four pairs with the Best Nett medal score will qualify to play in the match-play knockout stages, drawn by the Committee.
Play off date is a joint responsibility.
Sweep – Divided 2:1 between first and second pairs in the qualifying round. Equal scores share.
In the match-play stage, strokes to be taken from the Gents card.

8.5.2 Nattrass Cups

18-hole mixed Greensome stroke play against Bogey.
Entry eligibility:
Gentlemen Members of the club under Rule 2.9 &2.10 & Lady members under Rule 2.7. Six-day members under rule 2.10.
Members with a maximum Course Handicap of 54.
Maximum Course Handicap allowance is 28 for Gents and 40 for Ladies, throughout.
Strokes received will be ½ of combined Course Handicaps.
Gentlemen play from White Tees
Winners – Pair with the best score against Bogey.
Sweep – Divided 2:1 between first and second pairs. Equal scores share.

8.5.3 Mixed Foursomes Knockout

18-hole match play knockout Foursome competition.
Entry eligibility:
Gentlemen Members of the club under Rule 2.9 & Lady members under Rule 2.7.
Members with a maximum Course Handicap of 54.
Gentlemen play from Yellow Tees and drive from the first tee.
Maximum Course Handicap allowance for deduction is 28 for Gents and 40 for Ladies.
Stroke allowance is half of the difference in combined Course Handicaps taken from Men’s card.
Completion dates for each round will be specified by the Committee.
Play off date is a joint responsibility.
Winners – Draw chart finalists.
Entrance – see notice for the day.


9.1 Players should have reported to the Tee five minutes before starting time. Failure to do so may incur a penalty.

9.2 The first player in the draw shall take the honour on the first tee.

9.3 In all Mixed Foursomes competitions, men shall drive from the first tee unless otherwise stated by the Committee.

9.4 No player may have two balls in play simultaneously unless under R&A rule 20.1c(3).

9.5 The practice area adjacent to Yarm Road may be used for:
(a) tuition by the professional
(b) use of the nets and
(c) play to the practice chipping greens from behind the line adjacent to the boundary fence. Play to or from any other part of the practice area is forbidden except during tuition by the Professional.

9.6 Preferred Lies may be used during the period 1st October to 30th April. Full details will be displayed on the Notice Boards in the concourse.

9.7 Buggies and Trolleys must not be taken across greens or tees. During the winter period, buggies and trolleys will be allowed at the discretion of the Green Committee.

9.8 Juniors in play on the course will, at all times, offer to give way to adult members (both Ladies and Gentlemen). Adult members will use their discretion and only avail themselves of this offer if it benefits the general smoothness and speed of play on the course at that time.

9.9 The first tee will be reserved for T&DUGC home matches plus other matches endorsed by the Management Committee. It will be closed 30 minutes before the match is due to start.

9.10 Competitors are not allowed to start at the eleventh tee after players on the tenth hole have reached the fairway.

9.11 It is recommended that all playing members have an up-to-date golfer’s insurance policy.

9.12 All divots must be replaced and pressed down and pitch marks on greens repaired.

9.13 Members are not permitted to be accompanied by their dogs or any kind of animal during a round of golf, whether or not on a leash.

9.14 Each player has a personal responsibility for her name being appended to the BRS Timesheet. If a player cannot honour her commitment to play, she must inform the Professional or remove her name from the said Timesheet. Failure to do so can lead to suspension from the next three club competitions.

9.15 When the course is closed due to bad weather, members may practice in the nets from the mats provided. The Professional may give lessons from the artificial teeing area when the course is closed due to bad weather. Use of the school field practice area is forbidden when the course is closed. If the course is closed whilst play is in progress, then all players must immediately be called off.

9.16 Unless authorized by the Competitions Committee (when all groups would be the same), no match or grouping shall consist of more than 4 players.

9.17 For all play at this course, a player may obtain information by using a device that can measure distance. If the device contains other applications or features that might assist the player in his play (e.g. anemometer, thermometer, club recommendation, videoing swing to analyse fault or gauging green contours) but are not used, no breach of the rule occurs. However, if these applications or features are used the player is in breach of Rule 4-3, for which the penalty is disqualification.